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Articles Tagged with Texas

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By · November 25th, 2008
2008 Elite Selection Playoff: Week Thirteen

The season is winding down and the BCS picture is becoming more and more clear. With so many one-loss teams a controversy is brewing, but a lot (albeit not all) should be settled with the conference championships. Visit these links to see the prior releases of the ESP for weeks eight, nine, ten, eleven, and […]

Miscellany, News, Statistics »

By · November 17th, 2008
2008 Elite Selection Playoff: Week Twelve

Little has changed from week eleven to twelve of the ESP. The difference in the top teams lies largely in who does and who doesn’t control their own desitiny. As the season draws to an end, the national championship picture becomes more clear and the AV Ranking more closely approaches Sagarin. Similarly, the ESP approaches the […]

Miscellany, News, Statistics »

By · November 10th, 2008
2008 Elite Selection Playoff: Week Eleven

It’s time for week eleven of the ESP. To observe the trends of the ESP and AV Ranking check out weeks eight, nine, and ten. Also, check back in at the end of the season where there will be a few validation studies of the AV Ranking as well as predictions of the BCS bowl […]

Miscellany, News, Statistics »

By · November 4th, 2008
2008 Elite Selection Playoff: Week Ten

It’s week ten of the ESP and week three of the BCS Standings. A comparison of the ESP and AV Ranking follows. Elite Selection Playoff For the second week in a row the top five of the ESP are identical to the BCS Standings. Despite the loss, Texas only dropped three spots. This is in […]